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Koji Yamazaki's Small Beauty World

No. 54 “Koibeta Full Moon”

A male koi betta full moon with almost perfect balance in the pattern and size of the fins. The volume of the dorsal fin, which is unique to a double tail, is perfect, and the balance of the tail fin, which is split into two, is also good.

Since the beginning of this year, it would be fair to say that the betta scene in Thailand has been dominated by Nemobeta. When I came to Thailand in March, it attracted a lot of attention due to its rarity, but by May it started to look a little worn out. The storefronts of Chatuchak's betta specialty stores are lined with Nemo and candies everywhere. Since it's a business, it's probably not a mistake to display fish that are in season and sell well. Purchasing and selling what customers want is the royal road to business.
However, when customers such as myself, who are not pure customers and are twisted, come and hear Nemo, Nemo, they want to see something different. He has always had a twisted personality that doesn't follow what's trending, which is a problem. It's my job to photograph new betta fish, so whenever Nemo finds a good one, he takes pictures of them out of a sense of duty.

A male individual with a distinctive bluish-white luster on the scales on the sides of its body. The size of the dorsal fin and the way the pattern is inserted are beautiful. The way the tail fin is divided is well-balanced, but if I had to force it, I would like to see a little more pattern on the tail fin.

Recently, the price of Nemobeta has come down to less than half of what it was two months ago. I'm glad that I can now obtain the model relatively easily. Nemobeta's popularity seems to be increasing due in part to its introduction in magazines in Japan.
At the price around March, it was impossible to popularize the product, but since the beginning of June, the price has settled down to a level that is not unreasonable even in Japan. I think the price will continue to drop in a few more months, and when that happens, there will be a boom similar to Koi Beta in Japan. Well, the introduction about Nemobeta has become long, but the theme of this column is Koibeta Full Moon.

One time, I was out at a friend's betta farm, and I don't think I took this photo yet! The one I was given was Koibeta's Full Moon. We have a good relationship with this farm, and we always use it to procure model fish. Because of this, he knows the individuals he has photographed, and is always able to recommend individuals and varieties that he has not yet photographed. As someone who was tired of Nemobeta, this Koibeta Full Moon felt very fresh. This fish seems to be common, but I haven't seen it yet.

A male individual with a cool appearance, with red patterns on each transparent fin that look like glasswork. Like Koi bettas, there are no individuals with the same color pattern, so it's fun to choose the one you like.
As a Japanese carp betta, the pattern on the side of the body and fins is a little lacking, but the transparent fins give it a cool look, making it a fish suitable for summer. Many Koi bettas change color to a greater or lesser degree as they grow, so I hope that the color changes for the better.

It has been a long time since the Koi Betta Halfmoon has been on the market, but no one seems to have thought of turning it into a double tail. Or maybe they gave up along the way, or maybe they just quit because they thought they weren't competitive in the current market.
We have confirmed that the plastic-cut double tail of Koi betta was already on the market when Koi betta was at its peak of popularity, and it is also introduced in this column. For those who are not familiar with Betta, the double tail of a half moon is called a full moon because its overall shape looks like a full moon compared to a half moon.

It is a rare individual with a brushed body and transparent fins, and the patterns scattered around it are orange instead of red. If I were to be greedy, I'd like to see a little more pattern on the tail fin, but the color may change as it grows, so I'm looking forward to that.
Although she is still a little young and her fins are not fully grown, her balance is not bad, so she will become even more beautiful as she grows. The red patterns on the sides of the body and fins have a good balance, but the impression would change if there was a little more black pattern.

Because the full moon has a large dorsal fin, many individuals are more spectacular than the half moon. This Koi Beta Full Moon is only about 3 months old and is finally ready for shipping, so it lacks a bit of volume, but it has a youthful vigor and flares well. In a few more months, the fish will gain a lot of volume and become a wonderful fish.
It's hidden in the shadow of Nemo Betta, which is at its peak of popularity, and doesn't seem to get much attention, so I decided to introduce it here even though it's still young. It's reasonably priced, and I think it's a new variety that I would like to see popularized in Japan. The great thing about Thailand's betta fish industry is that it's not just breeders who follow trends. Rather than talking about it, it's easier to talk about it if you show me the real thing, so I'd like to show you a lot of Koibeta Full Moon.

It is an impressive individual with the scratched pattern on each fin and the black tip of its snout. The most important point when choosing a double-tailed fish is the balance between the upper and lower sizes of the two separate tail fins. I prefer individuals that are similar in size, like this individual, and I would like to avoid individuals that are either larger or smaller.
Although its body shape, fin size, and color are beautiful, the pattern on the sides of its body leaves something to be desired. Individuals with this pattern tend to lose the black pigment on the sides of their bodies as they grow. Whether it turns out for the better or the worse is just a matter of luck.
Although it is a little young, it has the perfect color and body shape for a red and white Koi betta. What you need to pay attention to with double-tailed bettas is the shape of the front of the dorsal fin, in addition to the tail fin. There are many specimens that have dents here, so you should avoid choosing such specimens.

I was able to take photos in a new mood, even though I've been feeling a bit fed up with all the nimo over the past two months. I came to Thailand in March and have been watching the fish scene in Thailand for about 3 months, and I have started to see some changes not only in the prices but also in the quality of the fish in popular fish such as Nemo, Candy, and Galaxy. . Unfortunately, I am planning to return to Japan at the end of June, and my next trip to Thailand will be at the end of September. At that time, how will the Thai scene change? I'm looking forward to it.

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