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Koji Yamazaki's Small Beauty World

No. 31 “Albino Koi betta”

Albino male koi betta. This individual is an odd-eyed albino on only one side. The eye on the other side is normal, so there is no problem with vision. Therefore, it shows this kind of fin spreading.

As you know, Koi betta has become very popular in Japan since last year. As a result, when I go out to Thailand, I am often asked to look for unusual colors or rare individuals. That in itself is helpful in many ways for my work. This is because unusual colors and rare specimens are extremely expensive even in Thailand. If I were to buy this out of my own pocket and use it as a model for a photo shoot, I would end up in the red. Even if I can't make a profit, if I can sell it to my friends for the same price as it was purchased, it won't hurt my pocket. This means that you can photograph valuable specimens for free. I don't have any trouble searching for rare specimens at the betta shops in Thailand, and I don't mind taking photos of the rare specimens I find in this way. It's a win-win for both you and the person who ordered the betta.

Males have a beautiful red color, but because they are albino with grape-eyed eyes, they have poor eyesight, and even males do not fight with each other. However, they act as if they can barely see the presence of other fish.
An albino yellow carp betta. Although it is a male individual, its eyesight is poor and even males did not show any fighting behavior. Even these individuals can eat food if it comes to their mouth.

By far, the most common request I receive is for an albino. Many different breeds of betta fish have been produced, but the albino is the only one that has not yet been established. If you breed many betta fish, albino individuals will occasionally appear from among them. I've been watching improved breeds of bettas for about 30 years, and I've occasionally had the chance to see grape-eyed albino individuals. Why hasn't it been established as a breed? The answer lies in your vision and constitution. Albino betta fish often have poor eyesight. For this reason, even males are not combative, and many do not spread their fins even when two of them are together. Since they can barely eat the food that comes in front of them, there are many fish with weak constitutions that seem to have managed to grow. It is extremely rare for such albino individuals, even males, to build bubble nests on the water surface. Breeding is impossible without creating a bubble nest. However, on rare occasions, individuals can be found that have no problems with their eyesight and even build bubble nests. Individuals like this are valuable and I would definitely like to use them for breeding.

An albino Koi betta with a beautiful color balance. Although it is a male individual, its eyesight is still poor.
An albino individual with grape-eyed eyes. Although it is a male individual, it seems to have slightly better eyesight and exhibits behavior that seems to be conscious of other individuals.

It's difficult to find someone who is just an albino, but I thought it would be even more difficult to request an albino Koi betta. However, when I asked a betta breeder I know at the Sunday market in Bangkok for an albino specimen, I was surprised to find that it was surprisingly easy to find. This was partly because the person who requested it had a wide network, but also because the Koi betta itself was actively breeding. There was a high probability that an albino betta would appear. Also, the Koi betta itself may have factors that make it easier for albinism to appear.

An albino female Koi betta. Although it seems to have poor eyesight, it can see quite well and other fish are aware of it. It can eat food, and the ovaries in its abdomen are well-developed, so it looks like it can be used for breeding.

All albino carp bettas are grape-eyed albino. I have never seen a real red-eyed albino. Some people have albino in both eyes, and there are many odd-eyed types who have only one eye. This odd-eyed type is often seen in orange carp bettas.

I have already entrusted several pairs of albino Koi bettas to a friend. One pair seems to have succeeded in breeding, but unfortunately no albino appeared. Albino betta fish appear to have different genes than normal albinos. Although it is not a carp betta, I have heard that a professional breeder in Thailand is breeding an albino fancy marble type fish. However, the breeder has not yet released an albino. It probably won't be easy after all. However, both professionals and amateurs are passionate about creating solid albino fish.
In the near future, there will come a time when we will see betta albino fish as a fixed type.

A female yellow Koi betta. It has good eyesight for an albino and is good at feeding. It has a good physique and well-developed ovaries, so it seems that it can be used for breeding without any problems.
An albino orange-colored koi betta. This individual is a male and has an odd eye with grape eyes on only one side.

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